
No, Venezuela didn't simply break its week after week Bitcoin exchanging record Venezuela may have "broken another record" on LocalBitcoins a week ago—a 30 percent expansion in Bitcoin exchanging over the past "unsurpassed high" when estimated in bolivars, Venezuela's fiat money. Yet, this doesn't mean what you think it implies. In spite of reports yesterday from CoinTelegraph and others, Bitcoin dealers in Venezuela aren't "crushing" or "detonating" anything. Bitcoin exchanging Venezuela is, truth be told, on the decrease when estimated (suitably) in BTC, and not a quickly deteriorating fiat cash. As per Coin Move insights, Bitcoin brokers in Venezuela moved a volume of very nearly 117 billion sovereign bolivars (VES) during the most recent seven day stretch of August. That number may look noteworthy, particularly thinking about that the past unequaled high in bolivars was barely short of 80 bil...